Participating Centers

University of Münster
University of Cologne
University of Duisburg-Essen
University of Gießen/Marburg
Medical Informatics Group Frankfurt am Main

Primary Tasks and Objectives

  • Creation of an informational online platform for affected patients and their families as well as treating physicians and participating centers
  • Implementation of an online based patient registry for early onset polycystic kidney disease.
  • Fusion of preexisting registries on nephronophthisis, BBS, HNF1ß Nephropathy and adjustment with ARegPKD
  • Analysis of preexisting data and comparison of different disease entities
  • prospective, longitudinal data collection

Leading Investigators

Dr. Jens König

Dr. med. Jens König

Consultant Pediatric Nephrology, University Hospital Münster

NEOCYST – Principal investigator

Coordination of all NEOCYST Projects.

Jens König is a pediatric nephrologist and works as a consultant at the Department of Pediatrics at the University Hospital of Münster. The scientific focus of Jens König lies on cystic kidney diseases of the childhood with a special expertise on nephronophthisis (NPH) and NPH related ciliopathies (NPH-RC). To this end he established and heads a prospective national registry on NPH and related ciliopathies (www.nephreg.de) and was able to collect clinical and genetic data on more than 150 patients so far. This clinical registry functions as a core feature of the newly established NEOCYST registry study. Within the NEOCYST consortium Jens König is responsible for the central coordination of the consortium and has the lead of subproject P1.

Prof. Martin Konrad

Prof. Dr. med. Martin Konrad

Director Pediatric Nephrology, University Hospital Münster

NEOCYST – Principal investigator

Prof. M. Konrad and his group built up a research unit integrating clinical, genetic and physiologic research activities dealing with inherited renal tubular disorders. They identified several gene defects (TRPM6, digenic CLCNKA/B mutations, CLDN19, CYP24A1) and established clear-cut genotype/phenotype correlations. From 1996-2000, these studies were carried out by a European Consortium for Bartter syndrome. The group of Dr. Konrad has collected one of the largest patient cohorts worldwide (>500 patients) as a basis for successful continuation of this approach. Together, the Münster group has set-up a web-based patient registry for nephronophthisis and related disorders with the official support of the GPN in 2011 (www.nephreg.de), which harbours 131 patients at the Moment.

Dr. rer. nat. Mareike Dahmer-Heath

Research Officer, University Hospital Münster

NEOCYST – Consortium Manager

  • Project coordination
  • Public relations
  • Data validation, analysis and publication
Sabine Kollmann

Sabine Kollmann

Study Nurse, University Hospital Münster

  • Recruitment of clinical data and biological samples
  • Data documentation and validation
  • Coordination of patients
  • Organization of study
Prof. Stefanie Weber

Prof. Dr. med. Stefanie Weber

Director of University Clinic for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine of Gießen/Marburg

Responsible for HNF1ß – Register and implementation into NEOCYST

The group of S. Weber has successfully been working on the biology and genetics of renal development since many years. She also identified the first human mutations in BMP4 and SIX2 in children with renal hypodysplasia. In 2012, S. Weber established a national registry of HNF1B nephropathy, supported by the GPN. Empowered by the Working Group CAKUT of the European Society of Pediatric Nephrology ESPN, the group of S. Weber is working on the implementation of a European registry of familial CAKUT cases.

Max Liebau

Prof. Dr. med. Max Liebau

Consultant General Pediatrics, University of Cologne

Max Liebau is a trained pediatric nephrologist and a consultant at the Department of Pediatrics at the University Hospital of Cologne. He combines his clinical training with his experience in cellular and molecular biology during a postdoc in the nephrological research laboratory in Freiburg and Cologne. While his previous work was on the molecular pathogenesis of nephronophthisis-related ciliopathies his own group now focuses on ARPKD and fibrocystin. To this end Dr Liebau is heading ARegPKD, the European ARPKD registry study.

Dr Liebau received multiple national and international honors and awards, incl. the Adalbert-Czerny-Award, the highest scientific award in German Pediatrics.

Dr. med. Metin Cetiner

Consultant Pediatric Nephrology, University Hospital Essen

Responsible for BBS – Register and implementation into NEOCYST

Dr. Holger Storf

Head of Medical Informatics Group (MIG), University Hospital Frankfurt

  • Technical realization of the online NEOCYST Registry based on OSSE an Human Phenotype Ontology
  • Technical realization of the web page

Jens Göbel

Software developer, Medical Informatics Group (MIG), University Hospital Frankfurt

  • Technical realization of the online NEOCYST Registry based on OSSE an Human Phenotype Ontology
  • Technical realization of the web page
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Dr. Jessica Vasseur

Research Officer, Medical Informatics Group (MIG), University Hospital Frankfurt

  • project coordination