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Clinic of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine

Director Prof. Dr. J. Dötsch

Clinic for Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Diabetology and General Internal Medicine

Director; Prof. Dr. T. Benzing

Primary Tasks and Objectives

  • Pricipal investigator ARegPKD
  • translational molecular research Project P5

Leading Investigators

Max Liebau

Prof. Dr. med. Max Christoph Liebau

Max Liebau is a trained pediatric nephrologist and a consultant at the Department of Pediatrics at the University Hospital of Cologne. He combines his clinical training with his experience in cellular and molecular biology during a postdoc in the nephrological research laboratory in Freiburg and Cologne. While his previous work was on the molecular pathogenesis of nephronophthisis-related ciliopathies his own group now focuses on ARPKD and fibrocystin. To this end Dr Liebau is heading ARegPKD, the European ARPKD registry study.

Dr Liebau received multiple national and international honors and awards, incl. the Adalbert-Czerny-Award, the highest scientific award in German Pediatrics.

bernhard Schermer

Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Schermer

Head of the Nephrolab Cologne and Vice-Director of the Kidney Research Center Cologne

Bernhard Schermer is the Scientific Head of the Nephrolab Cologne. This lab is working on the molecular pathogenesis of hereditary kidney diseases with a strong focus on cystic kidney diseases and related ciliopathies. Prof. Schermer contributed significantly to the concept of Nephronophthisis as a ciliary disease and recent studies from his group suggested a role for Hippo signaling in ciliopathies. Further topics of the Nephrolab Cologne include age-related kidney disease, glomerular diseases and the prevention of acute kidney injury. (

 Further Links

Homepage ARegPKD

Homepage Kidney Research Center Cologne

Homepage University Hospital Cologne – Childrens Hospital

Homepage Nephrology Cologne